24 yanüari 2020: Felis Dia Internashonal di Edukashon!! - Informashon tokante Gobièrnu di Kòrsou


Ministerio konserní Enseñansa, Siensia, Kultura & Deporte

24 yanüari 2020: Felis Dia Internashonal di Edukashon!!

Publiká riba 24 Yanüari 2020

 24 yanüari: Dia Internashonal di Edukashon

WILLEMSTAD – Mundu ta selebrá “Dia Internashonal di Edukashon” riba 24 di yanüari 2020, un dia proklamá pa e asamblea general di Nashonnan Uní/UNESCO pa duna honor na enseñansa, edukashon i formashon i e parti sentral ku e ta hunga den bienestar di e ser humano i desaroyo sostenibel di un komunidat.

E tema pa “Dia Internashonal di Edukashon” pa 2020 ku pa di dos okashon ta wòrdu selebrá mundialmente, ta “Formashon i formashon pa pueblo, planeta, prosperidat i pas”!! Aki nos ta eksperensiá i nota e naturalesa integrá di edukashon, e metanan humanistiko i e aspekto sentral ku e ta hunga den nos ambishonnan kolektivo. Minister di Enseñansa, Siensia, Kultura i Deporte sra. Marilyn Alcalá-Wallé ta deseá un i tur un felis Dia di Edukashon i speshalmente tur esnan ku ta laborá den e kampo di enseñansa i edukashon!! ❤️


The world will celebrate the International Day of Education on 24 January 2020, a day proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly to honour education and its centrality to human well-being and sustainable development.

The 2020 theme ‘Learning for people, planet, prosperity and peace’, highlights the integrated nature of education, its humanistic aims, as well as its centrality to our collective development ambitions. It also gives stakeholders and partners flexibility to tailor the celebration for diverse audiences, a variety of contexts and for priority themes.

Felis Dia Internashonal di Edukashon

Ban yuda sigui konstruí un nashon!

Sra. Marilyn Alcalá-Wallé
Minister di Enseñansa, Siensia, Kultura i Deporte.

24 yanüari 2020:Felis Dia Internashonal di Edukashon!!Ban yuda sigui konstruí un nashon!Minister di Enseñansa, Siensia, Kultura i Deporte. #Internashonal #edukashon #enseñansa

Posted by Minister van Onderwijs, Wetenschap, Cultuur & Sport on Friday, 24 January 2020